Thursday, March 7, 2013

Meet Sheena Mumford - Transportation Fleet Manager for Schneider Nation

Photo Credit: Sheena Mumford

Sheena and I graduated together in 2000 (Y2K baby!...LOL) from Clear Lake High School. Thank goodness for social media because without it, we wouldn't have reconnected after finishing high school. Prior to her current position as Transportation Fleet Manager, Sheena served overseas, as a truck driver, in Iraq. Thank you Sheena for all that you have done for our country. Read about Sheena below!

Photo Credit: Sheena Mumford

1. Name - Sheena Mumphord

2. City and State - Houston, TX

3. What is your educational background?
I have 40hrs complete from TSU, San Jacinto South Campus and University of the Incarnate Word online. (Include colleges/universities and degrees attained)

4. What types of courses does your degree require?
Philosophy , computer literacy, history

5. What were the most challenging classes you took and how did you overcome those challenges?

Philosophy there was a lot of reading of very dry material. I just pushed through it and got it done.

6. Did you complete any internships/co-ops during school?  If so, where did you intern or co-op?


7. What company do/did you currently work for?

Schneider National

8. What is/was your job title?
Transportation Fleet Manager

9. What are/were your day to day tasks?
Schedule coordinate the day to day activities and routes for 18 wheeler drivers.

10. Do/Did you work independently or in a team environment? Which do you prefer? 

I work in a team environment and it's what I prefer.
Photo Credit: Sheena Mumford

 11. What type of skill sets are needed for this job?
Very organized , good under pressure, ability to adapt to constant change.

12. What is it like working in a predominantly male environment? What are some of the struggles you faced?
I love it. You constantly have to push yourself to be the best.  I've found that the general belief is it's OK for a guy to be average at a job but when a women does a male dominated job she has to be exceptional.

13. Did you have a mentor? If so, what was the most important lesson he/she taught you?

Yes. I was taught always be able to adapt to change.
14. What do you believe to be your greatest strength?
I'm great under pressure.

15. What do you believe to be your greatest weakness?

I'm a perfectionist. I often spend many brain cells reworking an issue in the allotted time to=
make sure it's correct.

16. What are some of your accomplishments? What accomplishment are you the most proud of?
I spent 84 months in the Army and of that, 47 of those months were in a combat zone. As a truck diver on active duty, I was deployed in Baghdad, Iraq in 2006 and 2007. From 2010 to 2011, I was deployed to a city called Al Nasarah. I have driven over a million miles overseas. Keeping my sanity under the most horrible conditions, as well as maintaining the mental stability of my subordinates by reassuring them we would all make it home.

17. What are your hobbies? What do you do for fun?
 I love to play poker pool and call of duty.

18. What did you want to be when you were a child?
A truck driver

19. If you could switch professions with someone else, what would it be and why?
The Secretary o Defense so that I could efficiently use the US Military.
20. What advice would you give girls wanting to go into your field?
Go for it and be better than the best. You have to be above average doing the same thing in order to get the same respect of the most horrible man. Totally worth it once you get over the initial disrespect.

Photo Credit: Sheena Mumford

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